It is possible to get swamped while studying at Adelphi University with one extra-curricular activity or the other. And that point, you need to know how to manage your time and be adept at it, and one of the ways to do that is to relieve some pressure off you by taking on easy classes. Here are ten easy courses you can register for and pass easily at Adelphi University.
1. ACG (0606) 366 – Organized Crime
This course examines how organized crime affects labor, politics, consumer services, contemporary society, business, finances, and local, state, and federal governments.
2. ARH (0111) 266 – History of Photography
This course examines the origins and development of photography since its invention in 1839. Students will consider the historical, aesthetic, and social significance of this ubiquitous visual artifact while charting its technical evolution over the course of nearly two centuries.
3. ART (0104) 120 – Photography I
A lecture-demonstration course in black-and-white photography designed to provide the beginning student with practical camera and darkroom experience. It is necessary that all students have access to a camera, preferably a 35 mm with variable controls.
4. COM (0108) 103 – History of Media and Communication
Students are introduced to the development of communication media through the ages from the birth of language and writing systems, the printing press, photography, film, and television, to the emergence of modern media technologies focusing on the social, political, psychological and cultural consequences brought about by each new medium.
5. EAS (0112) 205 – Introduction to the Oceans
Students will be introduced to the principles of ocean science and anthropogenic impacts on the ocean. Topics to be investigated will include: ocean formation and destruction, ocean circulation, how waves are formed, life in the oceans, hydrothermal vents, coral reefs, marine pollution, and climate change.
6. ECA (0203) 111 – The Price System
An analysis of economic decision making, combined with the study of contemporary economic institutions, problems and policy alternatives. Examines scarcity and choice, the price mechanism and planning, the structure of American business and labor, and issues such as income distribution and the role of government in economic affairs.
7. EEC (0810) 600 – Introduction to Special Education
Course provides educators with awareness of special education, exceptional learners, special educational law, historic and philosophical bases of special education. Focus on the nature of pupils with range of disabilities, healthcare and instructional needs. Field observation required. Course meets State regulations: minimum requirement of three hours of study of autism.
8. ENG (0122) 109 – Introduction to Creative Writing
Students will explore the making of stories, poems, and drama, with exercises and readings. They will learn essentials of craft and revision in each genre. By the end of the semester, each student will have generated a portfolio of their own creative and critical work.
9. UEM (0616) 501 – Introduction to Emergency Management
Learn how the discipline of emergency management applies science and technology, planning, risk analysis, and management in dealing with dangerously large and complex events that have the potential to kill and injure large numbers of people, do extensive property damage, and destroy our economic and physical infrastructure.
10. PHI (0154) 110 – Introduction To Philosophy
Engage in a wide range of philosophical debates as found in both historical and contemporary texts. Through the examination of the positions and arguments of major philosophers, students consider topics that include: the nature of human knowledge and mind, the existence of God, soul, and freedom, and theories of justice.