Jessica Smith

I'm a junior studying business. I love writing and sharing stories when I'm bored. I also love writing tips and advice for fellow students! Hope you enjoy my articles!

UMass Amherst Library

10 of the Easiest Classes at UMass Amherst

Looking for some easy classes at University of Massachusetts Amherst? You are at the right place. UMass Amherst offers many different courses, but only a handful are GPA boosters. Here is a…

Elon University

Elon University Packing List | Move In Day

Elon University move in day can be extremely stressful during the freshman school year. Here is the complete Elon University packing list!  Please note that there are some stuff you might not need…

Penn State University Packing List

Penn State Packing List | Move in Day

 A lot of students are extremely stressful during move in day at PSU. We understand that feeling and that is why we have compiled the ultimate packing list during move in day.…