10 of the Easiest Classes at La Salle University

La Salle University

La Salle offers many different courses every year. In order to boost GPA and get a higher grade, students usually look for easier classes to take during the year. These classes could be both in person or online class. Here are 10 of the easiest classes at La Salle University.

1. ARTH 150 – Introduction to Art History

This course will introduce students to basic elements of visual literacy through the exploration of art history in a variety of cultural traditions, geographic locations, and chronological periods. Students will learn about principles of design, form, and iconography while exploring the art of different societies and cultures.

2. ART 102 – Basic Design

Students learn the fundamental design principles and techniques associated with creating and modifying digital images, and how to prepare these images for viewing on screen and in print. Both raster (paint) and vector (draw) type graphics will be studied, using appropriate software applications.

3. COM 101 – Mass Media and Society

This course is an introduction to the mass media and their impact on society. Students will investigate the historical, technological, and social developments of a variety of media, including newspapers, magazines, radio, television, film, and emerging technologies. Students will be asked to consider evidence, assumptions, and assertions about the effects of media in order to draw conclusions about the responsibility of media professionals and the public when creating, sharing, and consuming content.

4. COSD 100 – Introduction to Language and Communication

This course presents an introduction to linguistics, which is the study of human language and communication. Each major branch of linguistics is surveyed with an emphasis on the structure, content, and use of English. This course also explores language variation and the relationship between language and culture, language and the brain, and how children develop language.

5. BUS 101 – Introduction to Financial Accounting

The course introduces financial reporting by focusing on the fundamental principles of recording business transaction with emphasis on the presentation and interpretation of corporate financial information. Topics include an overview of financial reporting and the accounting cycle, as well as, accounting and reporting of operating, investing and financing activities of a business. Assignments employ both Excel and SAP.

6. FRN 101 Elementary French I

Elementary French is intended for students who have no previous knowledge of French. Instruction is planned to help students develop basic, functional proficiency in speaking, understanding, reading and writing French. Daily written and oral exercises are assigned to complement work done in class. This class should be quite easy as you can hear so many French phrases nowadays on TV shows and media.

7. PHL 152 – Ethics & The Good Life

This course is a study of classic and contemporary ethical theories that respond to the fundamental question, “How should I live my life?” Philosophical accounts of virtue and happiness, conditions of moral development, the role of reason in moral judgment, and the nature of moral obligation will be examined and applied to concrete ethical issues that arise in individual, interpersonal, and/or political life.

8. PSY 155 – Introduction to Psychology

This course provides a general introduction to the discipline of psychology. Emphasis is given to the methods, theories, and findings of psychological research. Areas covered may include biological bases of behavior, learning, perception, thinking, development, personality, abnormality, and social behavior.

9. REL 100 – Religion Matters

This course serves as an introductory exploration to the interdisciplinary study of religion and theology. While few would argue with the statement that religion exerts enormous power in the world today, it is not an easy topic to discuss in our increasingly diverse society. Students investigate both the personal dimensions of religion that matter in their lives and the substance and cultural impact of religion in society through reflection and analysis of texts, teachings, and practices.

10. SOC 150 – Principles of Sociology

SOC 150 introduces students to the ways human groups cooperate and conflict with one another and the expected and unanticipated consequences of these relations in American society as well as in the worldwide community. The overarching goal of the course is to help students understand how individual human development is a group experience from infancy to old age, how the social world impacts their lives, and how they, in turn, affect the lives of others in this social world.

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