10 of the Easiest Classes at Mizzou


Being one of the best colleges boasting for high academic standards and sports, the subject of “easy classes” at University of Missouri – Columbia can be a controversial one. Some even say there is no such thing as easy classes at Mizzou, but we all know success means carefully allocating your resources. That also means selecting courses that could help you boost your GPA. Here is a list of 10 of the Easiest Classes at Mizzou.

1. THEATR 1400 – Acting for Non-Majors

Basic theory and practice of acting for the non theatre major. This is a really easy class that most incoming students take. This course is only for freshman and sophomores.

2. HIST 1100 – Survey of American History to 1865

Introduction to U.S. history through the Civil War, surveying political, economic, social and cultural development of the American people.

3. GEOL 2150 – The Age of the Dinosaurs

Study of the evolution of dinosaurs during the Mesozoic Era. New information on dinosaur life habits, food resources, dispersal by plate tectonics, and theories of extinction will be covered.

4. LTC 1320 – Scuba Theory

The curriculum of the class includes bio-physics, hydrostatic pressures, physiology, fundamentals of compressed gases, environmental conditions, mechanics, first aid as it relates to diving, and planning speciality dives such as decompression, night, cave, ice, salvage and wreck diving.

5. PSYCH 1000H – General Psychology – Honors

Survey of theories, principles, and methods in the study of human behavior. This is consider as one of the easier classes at Mizzou. Many students take it as electives or bird courses to maintain a high GPA.

6. GEOL 1100 – Principles of Geology with Laboratory

Earth processes and products and their impact on human needs and the environment. This class also has one field trip, however you could choose to take this class online.

7. ANTHRO 1001 – Topics in Anthropology

Problems, topics, issues, or review of research in any areas of anthropology and/or experimental development of new content areas at a freshman level. Specific content will vary and will be announced in advance.

8. SOCIOL 1010 – Social Problems

Introduces a sociological perspective on what constitutes social problems and their impact on individuals and societies. Emphasizes critical thinking skills. Topics covered may include poverty, inequalities of gender, race, class, religion, education, and political power, the environment and global conflicts among others.

9. SPAN 1100 – Elementary Spanish I

An introductory course for students who wish to begin their study of Spanish. It teaches the four skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This class could also be taken online.

10. F_S 1010 – Introduction to Viticulture and Enology

This course will give a general overview of growing grapes (viticulture) and winemaking (enology) with an emphasis on Missouri wines and wineries.

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