10 of the Easiest Classes at Clemson University

Clemson University Campus

Clemson University offers many of courses each year. Some classes are considered easier than others. Students usually look for easy classes or electives to boost their GPA each year. Here is a list of 10 easy classes to take at Clemson University.

1. MUSC 2100 – Music Appreciation

Deepens students’ appreciation of their musical heritage through study of the elements of the musical language and its development in Western culture. This class could be taken online at Clemson University.

2. SOC 2010 – Introduction to Sociology

Sociological perspective: the study of contemporary groups, organizations, and societies in terms of human social behavior, social change, social structure, and social institutions.

3. MUSC 3130 – History of Rock and Roll

Comprehensive survey of rock elements, styles, and artists. Emphasizes the evolution of rock and roll including a broad examination of musical influences. Course content examines how rock and roll both reflected and influenced social issues. This could be taken as an online class at Clemson University.

4. STAT 2220 – Statistics in Everyday Life

Focuses on the role of statistics in a variety of areas including politics, medicine, environmental issues, advertising, and sports. Students explore common statistical misconceptions and develop an understanding of how principles of probability and statistics affect many aspects of everyday life. 

5. AGM 2050 – Principles of Fabrication

Principles, techniques, and methods in the selection, proper use, and maintenance of hand and power tools. Principal topics include welding, tool fitting, metalworking, woodworking, finishing and preserving, and heat treatment.

6. PHIL 1010 – Introduction to Philosophic Problems

Discussion of representative philosophical questions that arise from human thought and action. Characteristic topics are values, knowledge, human nature, and society.

7. ART 2100 – Art Appreciation

One-semester lecture survey that introduces the nonmajor to an overview of art and architecture from different time periods and cultures.

8. BIOL 2000 – Biology in the News

For non-science majors. Students examine current topics of biology appearing in newspapers and other current media. Uses a problem-based learning approach, with students working as teams and individually on areas of interest identified by the class.

9. FIN 2010 – Introduction to Personal Finance

Provides an introductory overview of personal finance with an emphasis on budgeting; consumer credit, including student loans, credit cards, and basic bank loans; personal bank services; and purchasing an automobile and property insurance.

10. MGT 2180 – Management Personal Computer Applications

Personal computer applications that support managers. Students learn from hands-on work rather than lecture.

Other classes at Clemson University that are considered easy and fun are the leisure skills classes.

Here is a list of the top leisure skills classes offered at Clemson University.

  1. Yoga Leisure Skills Classes: LS 235, 236, 237, and 238
  2. Swing and Shag Classes: LS 210, 220, 221, 227, 228, 229
  3. Hunting or Riflery Classes: LS 133, 134, 156, 159, 161
  4. Scuba Diving classes: LS 179
  5. Sports Classes: LS 185, 187, 189, 194, 196, 198/199, 202, 204

What is the Clemson’s Tiger Rag Song?

Long ago way down in the jungle
Someone got an inspiration for a tune
And that jingle came from the jungle
Became famous mighty soon
Thrills and chills it sends through you
Hot so hot it burns you too
Though it’s just the growl of the Tiger
It was written in a syncopated way
More and more they yell for the Tiger
Everywhere you go today, they’re shoutin:
Where’s that Tiger?
Where’s that Tiger?
Where’s that Tiger?
Where’s that Tiger?
Hold that Tiger!
Hold that Tiger!
Hold that Tiger!

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