Effective Strategies To Reduce Stress And Improve Your Performance As A College Student

Many college students suffer from significant stress nowadays. This can negatively impact students’ grades, friendships, and overall health. Stress can shoot up in various situations like starting college, moving away from family, or adjusting to living alone for the first time. In fact, living on your own for the first time can pose certain challenges, which can have an effect on the way you feel. In addition, starting your course and preparing for your exams can add even more pressure. Thankfully, there are some effective solutions you can use to alleviate stress and reduce the chances of it escalating. Below you will find some of our top suggestions on how to cope with stressful times at college.

Exercise Regularly

Getting involved in some sort of physical activity at least once a week will help to reduce stress. This is because your body produces endorphins when you work out and this gives you energy. Whether you choose to go for a brisk walk or do an intensive gym session, there will be benefits to your overall health. Obviously, the more active you are, the better the results will be. But since you may be quite busy at college, you may want to pick an activity which works around your schedule. It may be beneficial to browse the sports clubs available at your college.

Stay Organized With Digital Tools

Navigating through college requires a balance of hard work, dedication, and the savvy use of modern digital tools that help streamline your hectic schedule. For example, Smallpdf is a convenient online tool that assists you in managing your documents efficiently. Whether you’re looking to compress PDF files to share hefty class notes without a hitch or need a PDF compressor to optimize your project submissions, Smallpdf has got you covered. Utilizing this platform can significantly reduce the stress associated with handling bulky files and documents, leaving you with more time to focus on what truly matters – mastering your coursework and excelling in your studies.

Follow A Varied And Healthy Diet

Eating healthy can make a huge difference to the way you feel. This is why, it is important to incorporate a variety of stress-busting foods into your diet. For example, green leaf vegetables, such as spinach and kale, contain folate, which produces dopamine. This is a pleasure inducing brain chemical, proven to make you feel calm and relaxed. Remember to consume sufficient amounts of protein including eggs and meat, which will regulate hunger and help with satiety. Also, Omega 3 foods, such as salmon and other fish contain anti-inflammatory properties, known to counteract the negative impact of stress.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is all about being present in the moment and expressing gratitude. When you practise this form of meditation, you are likely to improve your mood and alertness. As a result, it can reduce anxiety and feelings of hopelessness and stress that often come with worrying about the future at college. Therefore, you should set aside some time each week to take a breath and meditate. You may want to follow a guided meditation for best results. There are many wellbeing apps, that offer student discounts as well. This way, you can learn a variety of techniques, which can help you through difficult times.

Unplug Occasionally

It’s quite challenging to completely avoid screens, especially as a student who might be dependent on various devices for studies and staying connected. But, it’s really beneficial to consciously cut down on your screen time, particularly on your phone. You might want to consider keeping track of the hours you spend scrolling through your phone each day and actively try to reduce it bit by bit. Social media, while a great tool for connecting and entertainment, can sometimes end up being a bit of a time-sink and even affect your mental well-being if used excessively.

Improve Time Management

Managing your time well is essential in college to prevent things from spiraling into chaos and causing stress. Rather than zeroing in only on your growing to-do list, consider utilizing the spare hour before class to get ahead on tasks or even finish them early. Many college students fall into the trap of procrastinating until the eleventh hour, which tends to amplify stress levels as deadlines rapidly approach. By breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable pieces, you might find that handling your time becomes less daunting and more feasible.

Think Positively

It is common for our minds to imagine worst case scenarios and as a student, these negative feelings may grow. However, if you shift this type of thinking and think positively instead, you may be able to reduce some of the accumulated stress. Also, it may be helpful to pay attention to your thoughts  and reactions when things get stressful. Changing the way you think can help you develop a more positive outlook. If you still notice yourself engaging in negative thoughts, try to distract yourself with a hobby, such as reading or listening to music.

Find Support

One of the most valuable lessons you can learn in college is not to be afraid to ask for support when you need it. It is important to surround yourself with a strong support system, whether that is from a professor or a close friend. This will help ease the transition into some of the best years of your life and improve your academic performance. For example, if you are struggling with your studies, you may want to arrange a study session with a friend. You can also reach out to your college’s counseling or mental health center for further support.

Set Realistic Goals And Expectations

As a college student, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of aspirations and societal pressures, often setting up a mountain of unrealistic expectations for yourself. However, it is imperative to ground your academic journey in realism. Establishing achievable goals not only prevents burnout but also fosters a sense of accomplishment and progress. When you set realistic benchmarks for yourself, you can work towards them without feeling overwhelmed or stressed, thus improving your overall performance.

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