If you are looking for the best way to boost your GPA and, at the same time, maintain an easy schedule, you are in the perfect place. Taking easy classes will enable you to have a more manageable plan that will take off the stress of college. The following are the list of 10 easiest courses offered at Montana State University.
1. ARTH 200IA- Art of World Civilization I
This course examines the visual arts from their beginnings to ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome through the medieval period. It focuses on an understanding of art as the nonverbal expression of universal cultural concepts.
2. PSYX 100IS – Intro to Psychology
Introduction to methods and approaches to psychology, including exploration of problems in physiological psychology, learning, memory and information processing, abnormal behavior, and social psychology, with the selected individual study of other areas related to the student’s interests.
3. WRIT 080 – Building Basic Writing Skills:
Building Basic Writing Skills introduces students to critical reading practices by focusing on textual analysis of non-fiction works and writing for academic purposes by focusing on the development of the paragraph. In the context of writing, the course also provides a review and reinforcement of principles of English grammar and punctuation associated with successful college-level writing. This course aims to develop confidence and the ability to write clear and effective paragraphs and read college-level texts.
4. WGSS 201IH – Intro to Feminist Theories
Primary directions in feminist scholarship. Examination of the various schools of thought that have addressed gender inequities and review the strategies of cultural criticism that incorporate gender.
5. SOCI 101IS – Introduction to Sociology
Theoretical and methodological underpinnings of sociology. How theory guides the investigation of social life and results in the creation of factual knowledge. How sociological questions are studied, and results are interpreted.
6. ANTY 101D – Anthropology and the Human
Comparative focus on human behavior and human cultural systems from the local to global levels. The nature and sources of diversity associated with the human experience are explored and reinforced using examples from archaeology, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, and linguistics.
7. HSTR 101IH – Western Civilization I
Survey of the ancient Near East, Greece, Rome, and the European world through 1600. Emphasis on social, economic, and cultural history.
8. FILM 100IH – Intro to Film & Photography:
An exploration of the historical, artistic and critical connections between photography and film as profoundly influential media shaping the 20th century and as the foundation of “new media” in the 21st century.
9. ENGL 201- Introduction to English Education:
This course will introduce students to the field of English Education and the profession of teaching secondary English. The course’s primary emphasis will be on the history of the secondary subject English and critiquing contemporary pedagogical practices.
10. PHL 101IH – Intro Phil: Reason and Reality
Exploration of the nature of reality and human knowledge. A critical look at the presuppositions of our common sense worldview.