10 Easiest Classes to Take at Oral Roberts University

Oral Roberts University

Oral Roberts University, a private Christian institution located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is renowned for integrating a holistic approach to education, emphasizing the mind, body, and spirit. While it maintains rigorous academic standards, there are courses offered that students find to be more manageable and enjoyable, helping to balance their academic loads. Here’s a compilation of 10 such courses that are considered easier options at Oral Roberts University.

1. ART 101: Introduction to Art

This course allows students to delve into the world of art, learning about various forms and techniques. It’s a hands-on class with minimal stress, encouraging creativity and personal expression.

2. MUS 110: Music Appreciation

Designed for students with little to no musical background, this class provides a broad overview of music history, theory, and appreciation. The assessments are straightforward, focusing on attendance and participation.

3. PE 101: Physical Education

Oral Roberts University emphasizes physical fitness, and this class allows students to engage in various physical activities while learning about health and wellness. It’s a great way to stay active and maintain a balanced schedule.

4. BIO 101: General Biology (Non-Majors)

Offered for non-biology majors, this course provides a basic overview of biological concepts. The material is accessible, and the assessments are designed to be straightforward.

5. SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology

Explore the structures of society and human behavior in this introductory sociology course. Students find the lectures engaging and the exams manageable.

6. PSY 101: General Psychology

This class provides a broad overview of psychological concepts and theories. The material is fascinating to many, and the assessments are straightforward, including multiple-choice exams and short essays.

7. COM 101: Introduction to Communication

Learn the basics of effective communication in various contexts. This practical course covers verbal and nonverbal communication, media, and interpersonal relationships, with manageable assignments and assessments.

8. ENG 101: English Composition

Designed to improve writing skills, this course provides valuable feedback and support, helping students develop their abilities in a structured environment.

9. THE 101: Introduction to Theology

Explore foundational Christian beliefs and theological concepts in this introductory course. The material is presented in an accessible manner, and assessments include short essays and discussions.

10. HIS 101: World History

Discover the major events and civilizations that have shaped the world in this broad history course. The lectures are engaging, and assessments typically consist of multiple-choice exams and short essays.


Oral Roberts University provides a unique educational experience, integrating a holistic approach that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. The courses listed above are known for their engaging content and manageable workloads, making them excellent options for students seeking to balance their academic responsibilities. Whether you’re looking to boost your GPA, fulfill general education requirements, or enjoy a stress-free semester, these classes offer a fantastic opportunity to do so. Embrace the holistic education at Oral Roberts University and make the most of your academic journey!

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