Stepping into your college life is a difficult experience. When my college life started, I was just a normal kid as you were. I didn’t have an idea of what I should focus and what I should get rid off. The first year of your campus decides your steps towards future. So it’s your duty to take the right path and making use of these college freshman checklists or the college tips would help you have a bright future ahead.
1. Be Confident
It is easy to feel a lack of confidence in the college in the freshman year. Where you expect to meet all these new people and try new things. For many, it’s very intimidating. Consider college is also the place to develop your self-confidence. Another Simple one in college freshman tips is to remember that if your body language indicates that you are confident. Correcting the way your body behaves will instantly make you more confident. You might be screaming out that you do not belong here. But if your spine is straight and your head is up, this will make a lot harder for someone else to feel your fears.
2. Make Friends
You are in a new college, time to make new friends that will turn into connections for life. So, where should you start to look? The easiest way to make new friends is to be nice to everyone in the hostel. Also watch out for college clubs, unions, social and religious groups, sports teams and academic organizations that you think are interesting. Find classmates with common interest as you. You will surely make a lot of friends in the freshman party itself. Take part in study sessions and also help others as much you can. This gem in the list of our college freshman checklist will make you lot of friends for sure.
3. Know your College
Get to know about your college in your freshman year itself. Take a College Tour and discover each and every corner of your college. Find out where all the departments are, visit all hangout places, keep note of restricted areas. You should be more familiar with your new college as it will be your new home, and also the nest where all your memories would gather. This is a gem in the college freshman checklist booklet. Use it wisely.
4. Attend Classes
When you search for college freshman tips, you would be looking for a survival guide but it is a new world indeed, while in the rush of finding new friends and enjoying parties, don’t forget to attend your classes. Most colleges have a specific attendance limit and going down from threshold would ruin your academic years. Remember if your GPA is very low in the first year it would be really hard to push it into a good score at the end.
5. Things to Stay Away
There are a lot of things to stay away in your college freshman year. Say No to Drugs at any cost. Don’t enter into dangerous friend circles and ruin your whole career. Try to keep alcohol and partying to the minimum. Stay away from making a rough scene with someone, especially seniors. And also think twice if you are getting into a relationship. Enjoy your college life, Don’t ruin it in the first year itself.
6. Avoid Procrastination
While deciding to write an article about College Freshman Checklist I was excited. But sooner I got bored and never started to write. It is natural to avoid things that are meant to be done in time. Although it is natural, procrastination is the biggest threat you have to face in your life mostly in college. It hinders your productivity. Don’t let this affect your academics. Almost any task, no matter how unpleasant, Start working for ten minutes on it. Science proves that you will finish it soon. That is how completed this article in time.
7. Keep Track of your Expenses
The first step in getting your expenses and finances on track is to know where your money is going. In college know what about your daily expenses are. You may be surprised at how much money you spend on small items. From food and transportation to the money lend to seniors!. You can track your expenses with apps or old paper and pen method. Do some part-time job and make money for your daily needs. It is just the first year and if you are doing a job based on the things you study you can be a professional when you graduate.
8. Join College Clubs
This one is a Pro tip in the whole list of College Freshman Checklist Article. This is the best way to interact with more people and a good medium to make new friends. It also helps to know the college better and improve your extra curriculum skills. There would be different clubs based on different streams. Organizations based on academics to religion and also College political parties. It would be a good stage to showcase your talent. You may use your leadership abilities well here and rise to fame and popularity in the first year itself.
9. Set Some Rules for Yourself
Organize your life with specific routines at first. Plan the day in the morning itself. And also set rules about the things you will do and things you don’t. Moreover doing this will keep your life organized and keep your story on track.
10. Know your Syllabus and Study!
Between the worries of homesickness, friends, relationship, roommates, finances, don’t lose your grip in studies. All of these concerns are perfectly normal and students often get diverted from studies. First of all get a specific outline of your course and plan on your academics well. Students start to experience lack of knowledge about their academics and result in low GPA or even failed examinations. So don’t forget to study in your first semesters. If you are only in college for studies then apply this one in all of the College Freshman Tips.
11. Stay Healthy
Staying healthy through diet and exercise, maintaining good mental health can be very difficult in college. With a small budget and full-time access to fast food and snacks, It is hard to eat good healthy food. Some simple steps can be taken to make a healthy living. Eating raw vegetables, fruits and nuts will give you the energy you need. Also, learning how to cook will give you the tools you need to make healthy choices.
In Healthy College Freshman Tips the topmost tip is to do a few minutes of exercise into your daily routine. Getting enough exercise is vital for students to have a healthy body and a sharp mind. In College, we find it hard to stick to an exercise routine, doing any physical activity would work. Walking or cycling to the college is a great way to keep fit during the freshman year. Don’t ruin your health getting addicted to smoking, drinking or drugs.
12. Call your Home
Most probably you will be away from your home during freshman years. It may be the first time you are staying away. So, whenever you feel homesickness or drowsiness, just call home. Talk to your mother about the college. Ask about them, Concern and loving words will mean the world to a parent. Take your own time and talk with them, You do not have to solve the problems of your children or your parents in college.
13. Know the City
New College? New City! Pro College Freshman Tips suggest you to get out of your dorm room and hit the road. Visit all corners of the city your college is in. Get to know the local dialect, the food, and their culture. Meet new people and make friends with them. Know that this city will be your home for upcoming years. So get to know the city and seize most out of it. Plan weekend trips with your friends and enjoy your college freshman year!
14. Make time for friends
The most important thing while you are a freshman is to find new friends and is to have a strong bond between them. Even your schedule gets bustle, never leave your friends behind. Try to spend your time with them because they would turn out to be the reason why you enjoy your college. Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.
Bonus. Be Yourself
The last one of the College Freshman Tips shouts out loud to Be who you are, not who the world wants to be. Stepping into your campus, be proud of who you are and not ashamed of how people see you. Then only you begin to align yourselves with happiness and peace.