Top 10 Holiday Activities for Families with College Kids Coming Back Home

As the holiday season approaches, families eagerly anticipate the return of their college kids. The holidays is a great opportunity for families to reconnect, creating memorable experiences and rekindling the warmth of family ties. It’s a special time when the usual busy college life gives way to the joyous and relaxed ambiance of home. Here are some fun activities for families with college kids coming back home.

1. Holiday Movie Marathon

Kick off the festivities with a cozy movie night. Gather everyone around, pop some popcorn, and dive into a marathon of classic Christmas movies. It’s a wonderful way to relax and laugh together.

2. Baking and Cooking Sessions

The holidays are synonymous with delicious treats and hearty meals. Involve your college kids in baking cookies or preparing a special family dinner. It’s a great opportunity for bonding and passing down family recipes.

3. Decorating the House

Decking the halls together can be a joyous and creative activity. Let your kids take the lead in decorating the Christmas tree or setting up the lights. Their fresh ideas can bring a new twist to traditional decorations.

4. Volunteering Together

Embrace the spirit of giving by volunteering as a family at a local shelter or food bank. It’s a meaningful way to spend time together while making a positive impact in your community.

5. Outdoor Winter Activities

If you live in a snowy area, take advantage of it! Go sledding, build a snowman, or have a snowball fight. These activities are not just fun; they also bring back cherished childhood memories.

6. DIY Gift-making Workshop

Set aside a day for crafting homemade gifts. It could be anything from knitting scarves to making personalized photo frames. It’s a fun and creative way to prepare for gift-giving.

7. Exploring Local Holiday Events

Check out local holiday markets, light shows, or Christmas concerts. These outings are perfect for creating new memories and experiencing the festive atmosphere of your community.

8. Board Game or Puzzle Night

Slow down and enjoy a night of board games or puzzles. These activities foster teamwork and healthy competition, providing a great way for the family to connect.

9. Sharing Stories and Updates

Encourage your kids to share their college experiences. This can be a special time for them to express their achievements, challenges, and aspirations.

10. Planning for the New Year

Use this time to talk about plans and resolutions for the coming year. It’s a constructive way to support each other’s goals and look forward to new beginnings.

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