Missouri State University offers many different courses every year. In order to boost GPA and get a higher grade, students usually look for easier classes to take during the year. These classes could be both in person or online class. Here are 10 of the easiest classes at Missouri State University.
1. ANT 305 – Introduction to Archaeology
An introduction to the goals, methods, theories, issues, and ethics of archaeology-the study of cultures in the past from the remains they left behind. Topics will include archaeological survey, excavation, dating techniques, artifact analysis, conservation, and cultural adaptation and change.
2. SCI 214 – Introduction to Science Teaching in the 21st Century
The course is an introduction to science teaching and to the field of science. Topics in the course include the nature of science, scientific inquiry and research in the sciences. The students will explore how scientists conduct research and how teachers and students conduct research in classrooms.
3. KIN 103 – Lifesaving
Development of personal safety skills and techniques of aquatic rescue for lifeguarding; certification in American Red Cross Life Guard Training may be obtained.
4. PSY 121 – Introductory Psychology
An examination of how psychology enhances our understanding of human behavior; a survey of basic biological, experiential, cognitive, emotional, and sociocultural influences on behavior and self-understanding. Students must choose either to be research participants or fulfill an alternative library assignment as part of the course requirements. Honors sections are taught in a lecture/lab format.
5. PLS 232 – International Relations
Conflict and cooperation in the nation-state system. Theories on international organization, power politics, regional integration, nationalism, war. Problems of developing areas such as Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia.
6. PHI 105 – Critical Thinking
This course develops intellectual self-awareness by teaching the canons and skills of critical reasoning. Deductive and inductive reasoning, the application of logic to a variety of significant issues, and the relation between language and argumentation will be studied.
7. ART 110 – Introduction to New Media
An introduction to new media, this course will address formal and conceptual image-making within the digital arts spectrum. The instructional process focuses on studio practice, development of technical skill, and introduction to digital art, new media/electronic art, and time-based arts as the three main components of the course. The instructional process includes lecture, critique, and supervised studio practice.
8. MED 120 – Mass Media and Society
The course examines theories and issues related to mass media. Students will understand the media’s role through historical, present and future trends as agents of social change and cultural influence. The course will examine the media as an industry and its critical role as the fourth estate in American democracy.
9. IS 101 – Introduction to Information Literacy
Introduction to basic strategies and skills related to locating, evaluating, and using print and digital information resources. Information technologies, determining information needs, types of information sources, searching for and retrieving information, evaluating information for relevancy and quality, properly documenting use of information, and applying information ethically. Face to face or blended formats.
10. LIS 634 – Introduction to Storytelling
Introduction to the art of storytelling and development of skills in finding, preparing, and delivering stories to grades K-12; analysis and review of storytellers’ resources; exploration of a wide variety of styles and methods of telling to facilitate the planning and presentation of storytelling programs in the school media center or classroom and include traditional storytelling across the curriculum.