Most students want to make their stay in college much easier by studying fun and exciting courses. Campus life is sweet if one does not have to go through rigorous classes all the time. The University of Dayton has listed some of their easy courses below.
1. ANT 150 – Cultural Anthropology.
Overview of the basic principles of cultural anthropology. Survey of human adaptation to and transformation of the environment employing culture. Comparison of ways of life among peoples of the world to better understand human behavior, particularly concerning colonial histories and current global forces. It is required for anthropology minors.
2. VAE 231 – Introduction to Art Education
An introduction to the pedagogical, philosophical, and psychological aspects of teaching the arts. Topics will include technology, national and state standards, history, learners with special needs, reading in the arts, and professional associations. Prerequisite(s): EDT 110, EDT 110L. Corequisite(s): Field experience.
3. VAH 101 – Introduction to the Visual Arts
Thematically-based, a non-chronological introduction covers the fundamental and varied roles that the visual arts have played and continue to play in the human experience. Open to all students.
4. CLA 203 – Classical Mythology
An introduction to the principal cycles of Greek and Roman mythology, with emphasis on the influence of classical mythology upon the literature and art of the Western world.
5. CMM 100 – Principles of Oral Communication
Introduces the relationship between communication and democratic life in contemporary and historical contexts. This course examines the importance of communication in achieving mutual understanding and provides the opportunity to demonstrate useful and ethical dialogue. Students learn to structure messages that deliver complex information to non‐experts, effectively advocate a position, and critique others’ messages.
6. GEO 103 – Principles of Geography
The study of spatial processes shapes Earth’s physical and cultural environment through a survey of significant physical and human geographic inquiry branches.
7. LNG 101 – Beginning Language Study.
Development of fundamental communication skills in reading, listening, writing, and speaking, focusing on basic proficiency in survival communication and familiarization with culture in languages other than those regularly taught in the Department of Languages. May be offered through distance learning or study abroad with the support of the Department of Languages. No previous study of the language is presupposed (for LNG 101 only). Offered with different suffixes according to the language studied.
8. MUS 111 – Theory of Music I
Basic vocabulary and grammar of music: fundamentals (intervals, scales, modes, keys, triads), and counterpoint studies. Assignments are done with computer notation programs, and portions of the course use web-based texts.
9. PHL 103 – Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to philosophical reflection and study of some central philosophical questions in the Western intellectual tradition, including questions of ethics, human knowledge, and metaphysics. Readings from significant figures in the history of philosophy such as Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Hume, and Kant.
10. WGS 250 – Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies
Introduction to key concepts, themes, and debates in Women’s and Gender Studies. Intersectional (studying gender as it intersects with other social identity categories such as race, class, and sexuality), multi- or interdisciplinary, and multicultural approaches. It is restricted to students with no more than six semester hours applicable to a WGS major or minor.