Looking for some easy classes at University of Waterloo? You are at the right place. Waterloo offers many different courses, but only a handful are GPA boosters or electives. Here is a list of 10 of the easiest classes at UW.
1. SOC 101 – Introduction to Sociology
An introduction to the basic concepts and frames of reference of sociological investigation and interpretation.
2. MUSIC 110 – Music in Cultural Contexts
An intensive study of music from around the globe and throughout the ages, employing several approaches in studying how music reflects and responds to its diverse social, political, and historical contexts. This class is one of the top bird courses at YorkU.
3. MUSIC 140 – Popular Music and Culture
An examination of the styles, forms, and development of 20th century popular music. The social, commercial, and technological aspects of popular music are considered.
4. GEOG 101 – Human Geographies: People, Space and Change
An introduction to human geography through key subfields of the discipline, examining population change, the rise of cities, our relationship to nature, social inequalities, economic forms, cultural difference and environmental change at the local and global scale.
5. PSYCH 101 – Introductory Psychology
A general survey course designed to provide the student with an understanding of the basic concepts and techniques of modern psychology as a behavioural science.
6. PHIL 145 – Critical Thinking
An analysis of basic types of reasoning, structure of arguments, critical assessment of information, common fallacies, problems of clarity and meaning.
7. RS 100 – Religions of Asia
An introduction to religious traditions of Asia, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and East Asian traditions. Further topics may include Sikhism, Jainism, and Shinto.
8. FINE 130 – Introduction to Digital Imaging
This online course is an introduction to current imaging software that students use to explore contemporary topics through digital imaging. This course is taught from a Fine Arts perspective. This class could be taken online at Waterloo and it’s considered one of the easier classes.
9. CLAS 104 – Classical Mythology
A study of Greco-Roman mythology and legend, with special emphasis on the Olympian gods and the figure of the hero. This course is recommended to be taken as an online course at The University of Waterloo.
10. BET 100 – Foundations of Entrepreneurial Practice
Successful entrepreneurs combine intellectual rigour with innovation to create solutions that have impact. This is considered one of the easiest online classes at UW.