Dagmar Brekelmans

Currently a sophomore. An expat child and hungry traveler. From the Netherlands, but every place feels a little like home.

University of Alberta

10 of the Easiest Classes at University of Alberta

Looking for some easy classes at University of Alberta? You are at the right place. University of Alberta offers many different courses, but only a handful are GPA boosters or electives. Here…

University of North Dakota

10 Easy Classes at University of North Dakota

We all hate that time when we have to sign up for classes at UND. Especially when we are looking for easy classes to help boost our GPA in college. Here is…

Humans of NYU - Dagmar Brekelmans

Dagmar Brekelmans at NYU

A Euro-Outlook on NYU I’m the only person from my high-school that is currently enrolled at an American university. I graduated in a class of 146 students who all stayed in Europe (or…