10 of the Easiest Classes at NC State

NC State Campus

Looking for some easy classes at NC State? You are at the right place. NCSU offers many different courses, but only a handful are GPA boosters. Here is a list of 10 of the easiest classes at NC State.

1. FW 221 – Conservation of Natural Resources

This course examines the importance of natural resources and their role in the progress of human civilization. Physical, biological and ecological principles are described that underlie sustainability of natural resources, particularly as these relate to the consequence of human impacts as resources are used to meet societal needs. The course emphasizes renewable natural resources, the importance of habitat, and a broadly-international context.

2. MIE 310 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Introduction to planning, formation, and management of entrepreneurial ventures. Fundamental business concepts and managerial skills applied to entrepreneurial ventures. Course projects support experiential learning of critical skills. Some individual off-campus travel is required.

3. SC 185 – Land and Life

To establish a thorough understanding of the relationships between food, soil, environment, and life. The course will provide detailed information on issues related to world food security, food and fiber production, and soil, water, and environmental impacts of human activity related to agriculture and everyday life.

4. SOC 202 – Principles of Sociology

Introduction to sociology. Analyses of key processes and institutions including interaction, inequality, organization, socialization, and social change. Addresses experiences and outcomes of diverse groups in U.S. society. Includes core sociological concepts, methods, and theories.

5. ES 100 – Introduction to Environmental Sciences

Interrelationships between human populations and the natural environment. Human population trends, agriculture, air and water pollution, biological diversity, forest and land use, energyand mineral resources, and toxic substances. Consideration of related economic factors, laws, politics, political behavior, and ethical questions.

6. ENT 203 – An Introduction to the Honey Bee and Beekeeping

Introduction to honey bee biology and a fundamental understanding of beekeeping management including crop pollination by bees. Examination of the relationships between honey bees and humans from prehistoric through modern times and the behavior and social system of one of the animal world’s most complex and highly organized non-human societies.

7. ENT 201 – Insects and People

An introduction to the fascinating world of insects and how they interact with people. Included is a brief survey of insect history, diversity, structure and function, and behavior. This is followed by examples of beneficial and harmful insects in a variety of human activities including some sampling of the profound impacts insects have had on history, society and culture.

8. MUS 201 – Introduction to Music Literature I

Survey of Western art music from antiquity to the mid-18th century,
with an emphasis on the characteristic forms and styles of he Medieval,
Renaissance, and Baroque eras.

9. IDS 303 – Humans and the Environment

Interactions among human populations in the biophysical system and the environment. Emphasis on current issues, ecological principles and their relationships to basic biophysical processes; considers food, population dynamics, public land and common resources, renewable natural resources, pollution, water resources, energy and non-renewable resources.

10. MEA 110 – Geology I Laboratory

Scientific methodology applied to the study of common rock-forming minerals, common rocks, topographic maps, geologic structures and geological maps. Field trips.

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