10 of the Easiest Classes at URI

University of Rhode Island

Picking your classes can be one of the most stressful things at The University of Rhode Island. You know what courses you need to take and what elective options you have but deciding on which class is best for you is the hardest thing. With that in mind, here are 10 classes at URI that are easy just for you.

1. FLM 100 – Introduction to Film Media

Introduction to techniques of film practice, film history, genres, analysis of film texts, and reading of film images in their aesthetic, cultural, and literary context.

2. WRI 104 – Writing to Inform and Explain

Writing emphasizing the sharing of information. Varieties and strategies of expository writing for differing audiences and situations. Genres may include reports, proposals, letters, reviews, websites, academic essays.

3. MUS 101 – Introduction to Music

Fosters a better understanding and appreciation of the world’s great music. Consideration of musical styles, techniques, and forms from the listener’s standpoint.

4. GWS 350 – Special Topics in Women’s Studies

Selected areas of study pertinent to gender and women’s studies. Instruction may be offered in class seminar or tutorial environments according to specific needs and purposes. (Lec.3/Online) Topics include “Women and War,” “Media Images of Women,” “Narrative of the Witch,” “Women and Aging,” “Women and Health,” “Women and the Law,” “Women and Music,” “Women and Religion,” “Women and Business Culture,” and “Women in Islam,” and “Women in Film.” Some topics may be offered online. May be repeated with different topic.

5. COM 310 – Topics in Communication

Analysis of contemporary rhetorical theories as they relate to speaking in business, civil rights, education, government, labor, law, and religion. Focus each semester on a critical contemporary issue. (Lec. 3/Online) Some topics are offered online. Pre: junior standing in a degree-granting college or permission of instructor.

6. CSV 302 – Community Service at URI

Learning through a community service project that addresses a specific community need at the University. Project proposed and supervised by an instructor, and varies each semester. Includes mandatory seminar. (Practicum) Service learning. Pre: junior standing or above, or permission of instructor.

7. SOC 100 – Introduction to the Sociological Perspective

Sociological approaches to inequality and contemporary social issues regarding race, ethnicity, class, gender. Exploration of group norms, values, and dynamics; intergroup relations; multicultural diversity; social justice and change; social institutions.

8. AVS 101 -Introduction to Animal Science

Animal industry’s role in world and national economy; inheritance, growth, physiology, nutrition, and diseases of domestic animals and poultry; geographic distribution and marketing of animal products.

9. GEG 104 – Political Geography

Pattern of political units throughout the world; special emphasis on boundaries, newly independent nations, and other aspects of political control over territory.

10. NUR 150 – Human Sexuality

Interdisciplinary approach to the study of individual and societal determinants in the development, integration, and expression of human sexuality and a code of sexual behavior.

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